The great theorist Allen Forte at Webern' s Grave (he is the gentleman on the right, click on the hyperlink to go to his site).
Dearest Hildergard (20.VII.1938)...
Now listen to this: I am composing 'Kleiner Flugel Ahornsamen schwebst im winde....'. It is the key to a sizeable symphonic cycle for solo, chorus and orchestra, in which more of your texts are to appear. A sort of symphony with vocal sections.
My Symphony was broadcast from Birmingham. More encouraging news about the London 'Augenlicht' perf. (The performance was in the Queen's Hall, it holds about 5000 people!)
Anton Webern: Extract from a letter to Hildegard Jone taken from Anton Webern; Letters To Hildergard Jone and Josef Humplick.
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