Saturday 28 February 2009

Free Stuff, Again!: Flute Multiphonics and Non-12ET Fingerings etc

Here is a Deposit Files link an appendix from a book on flute fingering and extended techniques.

I assume that's what the book is about although I can't be sure as the appendix is all I have and I can't trace the origin of it even though I sent my people out amongst the woodwind community to try and find out (no luck.)

It seems fairly obscure and is probably out of print so I think it's fair to share it here as a PDF. If you know what book it's from and can show me it's still in print and/or perhaps you own the rights to it or something then let me know and i'll take it down (and apologise in a sheepish eyes-cast-downwards-shuffling-feet sort of a way.)

The appendix contains various fingerings, normal, trills, quarter tones (24ET), 31-tone, and loads and loads of mulitphonics (over one hundred pages infact), most requiring an open hole/french flute (which I need to get, foolishly opting for a closed hole body when I started playing flute 'properly' last year).

EDIT: Thanks to Daniel M in the comments below for alerting me to the fact that this file/link is now dead. I've uploaded it again HERE.

EDIT (22/08/2010): Thanks again to someone in the comments section for noticing the link is down again. It's back up here on Dropio..

Also a tinyurl link for twitter etc..

Enjoy, if that's the right word for how you'd feel about a large appendix of flute fingerings. Please let me know if this or other links are dead and I'll upload them again. Cheers, ta, etc. Ed 17/04/2010.


Никола Пацек-Ветнић said...

It is absolutely impossible for me to say exactly how much you helped.

Nikola Pacek-Vetnic,

E.L. said...

No problem, glad the material was of use to you :-)

Daniel M. said...

do you think you can upload this file again? The link is currently dead. I would be so grateful if I could have it. Many thanks!

E.L. said...

Daniel M: Thanks for telling me the file was down. I'll upload it again now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Edward,

Thanks for your share. IS there any chance you could re-up; Link is down.


E.L. said...

Will do later on today, thanks for letting me know the link was down.

E.L. said...

It's back up now. Sorry it took a while.