Bruno Bartolozzi: But then you knew that.
So, you've got the Bartolozzi book 'New Sounds For Woodwind' but you don't have the record in the back?
Well, now you have arguably the second best thing, lossless flac versions of the pieces. See the links below for a link to each individual piece. The quality isn't great as it was an old scratchy library record but it's listenable and arguably the surface noise adds a little, something (?).
I haven't processed the audio at all, not sure it's really necessary (obviously I'm not talking about FFT noise reduction or some crackle remover, that would be unthinkable, shudder).
Side 1
Collage for Flute (30mb) ('Bartolozzi' is mispelt in the file name for this one, so sue me).
Collage For Oboe (34mb)
Side 2
Collage For Clarinet (30.5mb)
Collage For Bassoon (75mb)
Collage For Ensemble (14mb)
They're example pieces using the fingerings and techniques he discusses in the book but they do stand up as pieces in their own right, to me at least. I think they are performed by players from the Maggio Musicale Orchestra of Florence in 1967 but the book doesn't make that entirely clear (the book was first published in 1967 so I'm inferring the recording dates, ahem).
Oh and before I forget, you can get a version of Collage for Clarinet on the excellent AGP 84, 'Italian Composers' (including Bartolozzi and Donatoni and you know, all the guys). Not sure if it's the same recording, not compared them, could be, fun.
And, thanks to Mel for transferring the record.
Tiny URL for this post: http://tinyurl.com/36brbhv
EDIT 25/03/2010: The audio files have now been re-uploaded to Mediafire as Dropio is no more.
Thank you so much! You don't happen to know where there is a PDF of the book? it seems to be out of print, $98+ for a used copy on Amazon.
It's fairly ridiculous that it's not in print considering how important a book it is and I've not seen anything quite like it currently published (a book for all woodwinds rather than just flute or clarinet etc).
Also the 'apparent fundamentals' fingerings in the monophonic section are really good and I've not seen those before either (I think the term is Reginald Smith Brindle's translation).
Basically odd sounding monophonic pitches using alternate fingerings covering the normal range of the instrument (not all exactly equal temperament but more or less), they sound quite weak or unusual, more interesting or useful than multiphonics in some respects (easier to write with anyway).
Perhaps there's some great new book that covers it all and hence there is no market for the Bartolozzi but I haven't come across anything like it so far.
Re getting a copy, I can't post a PDF as the book is still in copyright, I think sharing the audio is fair use frankly as it's not available separately and arguably it might spur some interest in making a reprint (perhaps, a bit).
Sorry about that, do you not have a music library near you? My local one in Birmingham has two copies, one for loan and on reference copy so I imagine other decent libraries should have it, especially ones in music colleges etc.
Could always write to the publisher and ask when they are reprinting it?
Thank you, I will write to the publisher -- I don't know if one person will make a difference but on a book this specialized maybe it will!
Worth a try, it's Oxford University Press as far as I know.
Presumably they still have the copyright on it. If they don't then it will be ok to share, I think.
See what they say.
I wrote to both their UK and USA addresses. No response from the UK address but the USA address said it's out of print in both branches -- I assume both branches means UK and USA since I mentioned that in the email -- and there are no plans to reprint.
I wonder if the book has fallen out of favor because people perceive there to be so many wind players offering isolated "extended techniques" sections online now -- I agree that one definitive book is probably better than a scattered set of players' opinions, but on the bright side, at least players are both aware of the need for that info and becoming more interested in providing it themselves.
Nice one for emailing them. Things like this are annoying, they could reissue it in electronic format if they won't physically reprint it.
For the time being that text is now locked away so to speak.
Tempting just to distribute it anyway.
Of course I respect that. I would be very grateful if you ever change your mind in the future. Thanks for the audio files!
Hello. First of all, thank you very much for uploading this audios. I' ve been searching this material for years and couldn' t find it anywhere. Now, the problem is, the link you' ve posted isn' t working (at least for me). So, is it possible for you to send me the audios in any way ?
thak you.
Hi Alejandrof.
Thanks for reminding me about this, meant to re-upload somewhere a while ago. Will do over the next day or two on a public server (mediafire probably). Check back soon.
Great ! Thank you very much again.
Ok I've done the Flute and Ensemble pieces, will do the rest tomorrow and will change the links in the post but I'll give you the direct links here for now...
Flute piece: http://www.mediafire.com/?1kvn1riw0qbxo94
Ensemble piece: http://www.mediafire.com/?ticty33vj8tsavl
Ok they're all up now. Use the links in the post as I've replaced them with the new mediafire ones. Thanks again for reminding me about the re-upload. Hope you enjoy the music :-)
Great stuff! Can you please update the flute an ensemble .flac recordings?The links are invalid.
Sorry, not updating any of these links for the time being. This blog is in some sort of stasis. Cheers. Ed
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