Page one of the book. Not included, unfortunately.
While the publisher has no plans to reprint this rather excellent book I thought as a companion to the pieces I posted previously I'd post the scores too (including the guide on the back page). Not the world's greatest scan but it's legible I think.
'DL' as a .pdf from Dropio here. If the link is dead please let me know in the comments and I'll re-upload it.
Enjoy, presumably.
Perhaps it will be reprinted at some point, why not a digital download? Lame, really.
UPDATE: Thanks to John for posting a comment about Dropio being down (it's now a discontinued service apparently). I've uploaded this score to Mediafire here. Also I'll reupload the Bartolozzi audio files from a previous post when I get time (the files are quite large).
Please post comments about any other dead links and I'll reupload those too. Thanks. Ed.
Hello, just want to drop the note, that the download-link (and the whole drop.io-service) is down.
Cheers John. Seems Dropio is no more. Thanks for letting me know. Will reupload somewhere else as soon as I can. Ed
The mediafile score is also down.I would really like to get these as this book is awesome!
Re previous comment, thanks for letting me know. I'll reupload as soon as I can but it might be a week or two as I'm super busy at the moment. Will definitely do it though, just in case if they're not reuploaded in two weeks remind me with another message :-)
Sorry for delay etc, I will get round to doing it as soon as I can.
Thanks, Ed.
Hi Ed!
Hope you get a chance to re-up the scores! Been looking into performing the bsn version for a while, quite excited to find it here!
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