Ligeti and Kurtág: Old hands.
So, first scene (central-on the podium):
Christmas Eve 1957-according to a telegram I still have, at 11.02 p.m.-Paris-Gare du Nord. Ligeti arrives in Paris for the first time in his life. I wait at the station. The pianist György Szoltsanyi, my friend and our host that evening, finds it strange that someone would want to travel so late on Christmas Eve. He invites Ligeti as well to his home at 48 Boulevard Garibaldi.
"The metro is still running," I say.And without hesitating Ligeti leads me through the streets of Paris, I who have lived here for over six months-naming every intersection and the streets beyond.
"No, let's walk!"
(back corner, top, left):
Ligeti's early childhood. His obsessive pastime: perusing maps and memorizing them by heart-among them the map of his dream city, Paris-while already working on his fictitious country, Kylwyria.
(front, top, right):
The spirit of the Kylwyria construct seems to be hereditary-also in his early childhood, his son Lukas spent years writing the encyclopedia of his invented planet, with examples from its scientific history, literature, fine arts, and music.
György Kurtag, Mementos of a Friendship, György Kurtag on György Ligeti. (Three Interviews and Ligeti Homages, B.A. Varga).
TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/6zsatfq

48 Boulevard Garibaldi
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